美国明尼苏达州非洲裔男子乔治·弗洛伊德日前遭白人警察暴力执法后死亡,在全美引发的抗议浪潮和骚乱已经持续十余天,美国国内要求警察改革的呼声越来越高。 事实上,早在2014年,18岁黑人少年迈克尔·布朗在密苏里州弗格森被警察开枪打死后,也曾有过要求警察改革的声音,然而警察暴力执法问题一直未能妥善解决。 据美国“警察暴力执法地图”组织统计发现,从2013年至2019年,每年都有至少1000名美国人死于警察暴力执法,99%的执法致死案件没有人被定罪。 统计还显示,尽管非裔只占美国人口的13%,警察暴力执法致死案例中非裔受害人却占24%,也就是说手无寸铁的非裔被警察杀死的可能性要比白人高1.3倍。 Protests against police brutality and calls for reform have gripped the U.S. since the death of George Floyd, an unarmed black man who died in police custody on Memorial Day in Minneapolis. In 2014, after Darren Wilson, a white police officer, killed Michael Brown, an unarmed black teen in Ferguson, Missouri, there were also demonstrations and renewed calls for reform, according to The New York Times. But analysis by advocacy group Mapping Police Violence found that the number of police killings has remained relatively consistent since 2013 despite the push for reforms. Mapping Police Violence found police killed around 1,000 people every year from 2013 to 2019 and 99% of the killings didn’t result in police being charged. Black people were three times as likely as white people to be killed by the police, Mapping Police Violence found. Black people comprised 24% of those killed despite only being 13% of the U.S. population. They were also 1.3 times more likely to be unarmed while killed by police compared to white people. 涉嫌“跪膝杀人”非裔案警察首次出庭未认罪 当地时间8日下午,美国明尼阿波利斯市前警察德雷克·肖万通过视频形式首次出席庭审。 5月25日,肖万在执法过程中用膝盖压迫46岁的非裔男子乔治·弗洛伊德颈部长达八分钟,弗洛伊德最终死亡。肖万被控二级谋杀罪。 根据检察官建议,法官将肖万的无条件保释金设定为125万美元,有条件保释金为100万美元。100万美元保释金下的附加条件包括遵守法律,继续出庭,不从事保安或执法工作,交出武器、弹药与武器许可证,不离开明尼苏达州,不与弗洛伊德家人联系。除此之外,肖万还需要放弃引渡权。 德雷克·肖万和他的律师在听证会上没有提出反对意见,但也没有表示认罪。 A judge has set a $1-$1.25 million bail for Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapolis police officer who has been charged with second-degree murder in connection to the killing of George Floyd. Chauvin virtually appeared in court today to face charges of murder and manslaughter after he was filmed keeping his knee on Floyd’s neck for nearly nine minutes. Judge Jeannice Reding granted the prosecutors’ motion to set unconditional bail at $1.25 million, or $1 million with conditions, which included being law-abiding, making future court appearances and surrendering firearms. 特朗普:不会削减警察预算,99%的警察都是非常棒的人 随着全美抗议示威进入第三周,此轮抗议的发源地上周末又有了新的动作:明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯市议会宣布将解散该市的警察局,并承诺设立一个新的城市公共安全系统。 而除明尼阿波利斯之外,洛杉矶、纽约与波特兰等多座城市也都计划削减警察部门的预算,以促进警察改革,并将省下来的资金用于医疗与就业等社会服务上。 然而这一计划并未得到总统的支持。 8日,在一场有各州官员和司法系统代表参加的会议上,特朗普表示,不会有预算削减也不会解散警察系统,虽然必须确保把害群之马清除出去,但“99%的警察都是非常棒的人,有出色的工作纪录。” 特朗普还夸耀美国今年的犯罪率数字是“有史以来最好的”,并强调这离不开警察的努力。 The council of the U.S. city of Minneapolis voted late Sunday to dismantle and rebuild the police department, after the death in custody of George Floyd sparked nationwide protests about racism in law enforcement, pushing the issue onto the national political agenda. President Donald Trump on Monday sent a clear message during a White House roundtable with members of law enforcement: The police are doing a "fantastic" job. "There won't be defunding, there won't be dismantling of our police and there is not going to be any disbanding of our police," he said at the afternoon event. "We want to make sure we don't have any bad actors in there, and sometimes, you'll see some horrible things like we witnessed recently, but 99 -- I say 99.9, but let's go with 99% of them are great, great people, and they've done jobs that are record setting -- record setting," Trump said. The president repeated that country's current crime statistics are "among the best numbers we’ve ever had in terms of recorded history." "There's a reason for less crime, it's because we have great law enforcement. I'm very proud of them," he added. 民主党提出警察改革立法草案:警察执法时禁用"锁喉"动作 美国国会参众两院民主党人8日提出一项立法草案,旨在全面遏制警察暴力执法,特别是针对非裔美国人和其他少数族裔过度使用暴力的行为,减少美国刑事司法系统中的种族偏见。 在公布法案之前,包括众议院议长佩洛西、参议院少数党领袖舒默在内的多位民主党议员在国会大厦单膝跪地,向乔治·弗洛伊德和其他“因不公待遇失去生命”的非裔美国人致敬。他们跪了约8分46秒,这正好是弗洛伊德遭警察跪压的时间。 长达134页的法案中提议了大量改革措施,包括:
此外,法案还首次将私刑定为联邦仇恨犯罪。但此次法案并没有涉及削减警察部门预算。 民主党人计划于7月4日前在众议院对警察改革法案进行表决。但由于法案最终需要由共和党人控制的参议院通过,民主党人希望利用当前的公众舆论对共和党施压。 House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer led the Democrats by announcing police and justice reform legislation in the U.S. on Monday. Democratic lawmakers knelt in silent tribute to George Floyd in the U.S. Congress before unveiling the package of sweeping police reforms. Pelosi said "We cannot settle for anything less than transformative structural change, which is why the Justice in Policing Act will remove barriers of prosecuting police misconduct and covering damages by addressing the quality immunity doctrine." Some highlights of the 134-page bill include: – Demilitarizing the police by limiting the transfer of military weapons to state and local police departments– Combating police brutality by requiring body and dashboard cameras– Banning chokeholds and no-knock warrants in drug cases– Ending racial profiling The bill will also make lynching a federal hate crime. It does not address calls by protesters to defund police departments. Democrats expect to bring the legislation to the House of Representatives floor by July 4. Anticipating resistance in the Republican-controlled Senate, Democrats hope to enlist the aid of public sentiment as opinion polls show widespread public concern about police violence.(部分英文内容来自迈阿密先驱报) 推荐阅读:美国“推倒雕像”的风潮刮到了英国 市长下令将通向白宫的路涂上巨型标语,特朗普气坏了……